GO GREEN with Meal Prep in March

Written by: Tracy Pritchard (MS, CNS, LDN)

With St Patrick’s Day coming up, it is a great time to think about GREEN foods!

I think we can agree that nothing saying St Patrick’s Day quite like cabbage. While it is available at other times of the year it takes front and center at grocery stores in March. For many people this is the only time of year they consume cabbage and they only associate it as a side dish with corned beef. Cabbage is cruciferous vegetable that is part of the Brassica family along with broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and brussels sprouts. It can be eaten raw in salads or coleslaw or cooked in soups, sauteed or stir-fried, roasted, and prepared and eaten in countless ways. For some people, eating raw cabbage may exacerbate digestive symptoms so it may be best to start with small amounts of cooked cabbage. 

Many years ago a good friend of mine established an annual tradition where our families gather and eat a traditional Irish meal together – I love how food brings us around the table for some fellowship and to make memories. Unlike major holidays with an abundance of traditional foods, this one-day celebration is a great opportunity to have some fun and explore the benefits of green foods. I am married to a bagpiper, so that makes this an exciting holiday even though I am not Irish! 

Back to green….. let’s consider all of the vitamins and minerals in green foods:

*Calcium: helps build and maintain strong bones; helps the heart, muscles and nerves to function properly

*Iron: helps prevent against anemia; adequate iron is essential for maintaining healthy energy levels

*Potassium: supports blood pressure, plays a role in fluid balance

*Vitamin C: enhanced vision, strengthened immunity, wound healing, skin health

*Vitamin A: vision and immune health

*Vitamin K: heart health, bone health and helps prevent blood clotting

*Folate: tissue growth and healthy cell function

In addition to vitamins and minerals, green foods contain a variety of phytonutrients that offer various health benefits. Phytonutrients are compounds found in plants that act as antioxidants and protect the body from disease. Some of the benefits may include anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, metabolic health, hormone health, and many others. 

There are many ways to add more green foods into your diet, including adding more green foods into a St Patrick’s Day celebration. Imagine a St Patrick’s Day inspired tray or charcuterie board full of green fruits and vegetables. A veggie tray could include cucumbers, celery, green bell peppers with a side of guacamole for a healthy dip. A fruit tray could include granny smith apples, kiwi, pears, and green grapes – you get the idea. Using this theme may also help kids get excited about eating more fruits and vegetables, while learning that healthy eating can be fun and festive!

There are many green vegetables to try or rotate into your meal planning at some point, even if not on St Patrick’s Day itself. Even those picky eaters who think they don’t like green foods may be surprised at how long the list is. There is a large variety of leafy greens, green beans and broccoli, and don’t forget about edamame, avocado, and zucchini.

Not all vegetables have to be in a salad or stir-fry… you can get creative and shred zucchini to add to a muffin or bread. Tomatillos may be a favorite green food in a salsa along with some corn chips. Lastly, there are a lot of green herbs and spices as well. Not only do herbs and spices enhance a food’s flavor, they also provide other health benefits such as antioxidant, antiviral, and antimicrobial effects. Some green herbs and spices include basil, chives, cilantro, dill, mint, oregano, parsley, and more. 

There also benefits to some GREEN beverages. Green tea is rich in antioxidant compounds including epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) that protects cells from damage. Studies have also found that green tea may support better cardiovascular health, brain health, weight management, and bone health. Green tea can be served hot or cold and enjoyed many different ways. One way to enjoy it is with some lemon and honey to give it a fresh taste with a hint of sweetness. 

Consider adding a cup of dark leafy greens into your daily routine. This could mean adding some spinach to your morning protein smoothie or egg bake, adding a salad to lunch, or adding some chopped greens to a soup or stew. Take a look at your meals to see where and how you can add a little bit of green even if it means snipping some parsley or cilantro onto your dish!

What are your favorite green- themed foods? Which ones did we miss?

Leave us your ideas in the comments below!


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