Self care is NOT selfish!

If someone had told me 15 years ago that self care was vital to my well being, I would have disregarded the statement all together. I was busy as a wife, new mom, career woman and putting everyone (and everything) before myself. We’ve all been there…you know the feeling…drained. The thought of stopping and smelling the roses was foreign - much less sitting in the flowers and soaking up the sun (love the graphic, right?!?!). But, here’s the thing….if we do not take care of ourselves, we are no good to those around us.

As we finish up our first week of school here in my area, I think it’s important to begin setting some good habits now. Please read through this whole post, and don’t discredit anything right away. It’s hard to grasp self care. It’s hard to really believe that the things I am about to tell you are necessary. Trust me when I say….THEY ARE SO IMPORTANT!

  1. Breathe.

    That’s right. Step away from people. Move away from the technology. Just Breathe. My go to technique is 4-7-8 breathing. Close your eyes (or don’t it’s okay) and take a couple of regular breaths. Then breathe in through your nose for a count of 4 (1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi, 4 Mississippi). Hold for a count of 7 (same way as the count to 4). Finally, place the tip of your tongue on the back of your top teeth and powerfully (but not fast or forcefully) breathe out through your mouth for a count of 8 (again, same pace as 4 and 7). Repeat 3 times. Simple enough. Just breathe!

  2. Take sun breaks.

    Walk outside. Look at the sky. Breathe in the fresh air. Everyone….YES….everyone can step outside at least once a day. You’re a teacher? Okay, on the way to grab your lunch from the fridge in the break room, take the long way and walk outside. You’re a parent? Sure, step on to the porch for your morning coffee and stretch. Be creative and don’t make excuses.

  3. Meditate.

    10 minutes a day of meditation can show significant results in brain power, stress levels and overall all well being. Use an app like CALM or HeadSpace to spend just 10 minutes quieting your brain.

  4. Treat yourself like you treat others.

    If you would do it for someone else, do it for yourself. Make coffee for your spouse before work. Treat yourself the same. Have a snack ready for the kids after school. Treat yourself the same. Give the kids a playtime break. Where is your break? Encourage a friend to take a night off. Do you do the same for yourself. Seriously….you can do this!

5. Create a special space.

All it takes is a chair. Create a space to sit. Read, relax, refresh. In your classroom, a little nook. In your office, a chair by the window. In your house, a corner space. Create a quiet place that you can go just so step away from the day. A place to gather your thoughts or maybe to get away from your thoughts. Be creative and give yourself permission.

6. Move your body.

We aren’t all exercise gurus. But, we all need to exercise. Our brains make new brain cells each and every day. When we exercise, our brain is able to make twice the amount of cells. This means we are filling our brain and our body with good stuff. Just 10 minutes a day is all we need to move our body, get our heart rates up and get our brains and blood pumping. We tell the kids to go outside and play….go with them. Meet a friend for a walk. Park the car at the house and walk to the mailbox. Throw the ball for the dog. Walk in place while you watch the news or better yet a favorite binge worthy show. (Side note: There is much more to come about movement so stay tuned!!)

I cannot say this LOUD ENOUGH…..You must find time for yourself. You must step away from the day even for a couple minutes. Schedule in self care every single day. Make it a standing appointment you have for yourself and do not skip it.

Regroup. Refresh. Then, restart.


It is for your mind and spirit - not just your body!


It's a marathon, not a sprint