Seems like a good place to start

I never thought I’d be a writer but here I am….writing. This is the second thing in 2020 that I never thought I’d do. The first one is become a reader. I’ve read 4 books already this year and starting my 5th today. Sure that might not seem like a lot to some of you but for me…that’s as many as I read last year…so I’m on target to make my goal of one book a month…12 for the year! WOW! Anyway, back to why I’m here. Writing.

I have lots of thoughts during the course of the day while working with clients. Sometimes we joke together that I should “write that down” or even funnier is “you should write a book”. Well, I’m not going to write a book but why not a blog post or two. I’ll ask you to be gracious as I start this journey but sure I’ll take your constructive criticisms. I’m no English major. There may be some grammatical nightmares and for some reason I really like to use….as a way to cause a break. So…here goes…..

On Tuesday afternoon, I had a scheduled appointment with a client. As I was prepping for the session, I remembered that she and I had talked about doing a walk and talk session. You see, that’s one of the things that we offer at our practice. Walk and Talk! Our clients enjoy walking, getting some exercise, fresh air and not staring at a therapist or having them stare back. Our therapists like it for the exact same reasons. While we are doing telehealth during the COVID-19 global pandemic, I’m continuing to offer walk and talk. We check in via video, then turn our cameras off and hit the street wherever we may be. For me it’s either right by the office or up and down the driveway. For clients, it’s around their neighborhood. So, back to Tuesday. It was a beautiful spring day. A little chilly and breezy but a welcomed change from the cold, rainy weather we have had. I checked in with my client via video and could tell right away that she wasn’t interested in walking. Her face said it all and the “yeah, I guess” response to “are you ready to walk today?” question was loud and clear. I suggested we give it a try and she reluctantly said “ok”. Now, she and I have been working together for almost a year and a half. We have a great rapport and I know just how much I can push her to work. So, off we went. And, here’s where the magic happened. I walked about 2 blocks from my office and was heading down towards the water a beautiful view before me and I heard it. Her voice. Her voice changed. As she walked and as she spoke, I could hear the sound of her voice totally change. The volume got louder. The speed was less drawn. The tone was happier. It all changed. I didn’t mention anything to her during the session or after…or at least I don’t think I did. But, just getting out of the house and walking changed her spirits. It wasn’t 5 minutes that we had walked when I noticed the change. And, at the the end of the session, she reported feeling better than at the beginning of the session. And, even glad that we walked.

What’s this got to do with anything you ask? It’s all about motivation and change. You see, we are all living through a once in a lifetime situation. A dag on global pandemic. I mean really? Being home is safe. But, being home can feel like being in a cave. We lose motivation to do anything, our moods slump and life goes gray. 5 minutes. That’s all it took for my client to demonstrate with just the sound of her voice that she felt better. Last night in a moment of pure craziness, I set my alarm for 5:45 a.m. and signed up for a virtual Barre class with SPICE Studio. When the alarm went off, I was disoriented for a second and then thought about rolling over to go back to sleep. But, I knew that the instructor would know I wasn’t there. My feet hit the floor and by the time I was dressed and ready to log on…5 minutes later…I was ready. 50 minutes later, the workout was over, my mood was lifted and here I am starting a blog. Oh boy!

My point for you today is this….start the momentum…you won’t regret it. 5 minutes. Just get started. Once you start…I promise you won’t regret it.

Take a walk. Ride your bike. Get outside. Enjoy the sunshine. Have a fantastic Friday!

~Jennifer Voorhaar, LCSW-C


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